It’s pretty lucky that Bruce Wayne was a Bajillionaire because it turns out being the Batman is a pretty expensive hobby (who knew?)
The Bat Suit is relatively cheap in comparison to some other aspects of the lifestyle. Most of the cost goes straight into the cowl too, which needs to be custom padded and fitted.
The motorcycle like escape vehicle comes in at a relatively cheap $1,500,00.
The Batwing, or in the films “The Bat” is a VTOL harrier light vehicle. Science isn’t there just yet but it has an estimated cost of 60 million dollars.
You won’t get far in this world without your caretaker, physician, butler and friend. He also happens to be a military strategist and expert on weapons. Those expertise don’t come cheap, $240,000 annually.

Installing the Batcave won’t be cheap either, neither will it be to keep the contractors quiet (Alfred is a cool guy but he can’t build that all himself). Plus you’ll need to rebuild Wayne Manor after it burns down under ninja attack.
On a per item basis it is not a one time purchase to be the Batman.
Each night Batman takes a stroll through Gotham he spends close to $10,000 and that’s when he isn’t giving away $15,000 worth of thermal cameras to future Joffrey Baratheon.

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