Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the head of the Democratic National Convention, got more than she bargained for on Friday when she asked Twitter users what their favorite Democratic policy was.
“The one where you destroyed so much of our country,” one user Tweeted back. “Oh wait. That would be all of them.”
Other responses to the Florida Democrat included “criminal destruction of evidence,” “giving ambassadorships to donors,” and President Obama’s heavily criticized handling of the Syrian crisis, The Blaze reported Friday.
Other users chose to look further back into history to find their favorite Democratic policy.
“When FDR made Japanese go into internment camps,” one user wrote.
Also on Friday, the Islamic militant group Hamas — labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and Israel — posted on Twitter that users could (hashtag) AskHamas.
It didn’t take long for the group — which controls much of Gaza — to get heavy criticism instead, much of it focusing on their 2014 provocations that led to war with Israel and thousands of civilian deaths.
“Given a choice, is it better to hide a weapons cache in a hospital’s radiology or pediatrics unit?” one user wrote.
Jeffery Goldberg, a reporter for The Atlantic, was a bit more specific: “Why did you murder 30 civilians, including 20 people over the age of 70, at a Passover Seder in Netanya in 2002?”
The DNC and Hamas aren’t alone in their attempts at Twitter backfiring spectacularly.
In December, CNN hosted a (hashtag) AskaCop event, which almost predictably became a forum for protestors to vent their anger against local police forces.
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