8 Citrus Fruits You Should Be Eating


We all know about standard citrus fruits like oranges, clementines, and tangerines. They provide endless health benefits, making these sweet fruits an excellent go-to snack. But in case you’re getting a little tired of eating oranges every day, there is a wide variety of citrus fruits out there that may not even be on your radar. They also make great add-ons to meals and recipes. Check out these eight citrus fruits you should be eating.

1. Blood oranges

While they sound a little unappetizing, blood oranges actually have excellent flavor. They taste like a mix between an orange and a raspberry. The rind and flesh are a deep red color, part of what contributes to their great taste. Your best chance to get a blood orange is at specialty supermarkets from November through May, Martha Stewart says. Try putting them in a salad, a delicious blood orange champagne cocktail, or include the fruits in a punch. 
2. Kumquats

These little fruits are bite size and should be eaten whole. The combination of bitter and sweet makes for a delicious snack: The flesh is bitter, but you get a hint of sweet from the rind.

Not a fan of a plain kumquat?

You can also use it in jams, desserts, and different breads. The tiny fruits also pack a powerful vitamin punch. They’re extremely rich in vitamin C, which helps fight infection-causing organisms in your body. It’s a great source of minerals, and the fruit’s antioxidants help combat cancer. 

3. Finger limes

“This oblong Australian fruit earned the name ‘citrus caviar’ for its pearl-like pulp filled with mouth-puckering juice,” according to a Women’s Health article. Not sure what to do with it? Try using its flesh for a nice garnish. 

4. Meyer lemons

Women’s Health reports that this lemon is known for tasting less acidic and much sweeter than a standard lemon. As you’re preparing for great-tasting summer drinks and desserts, consider using a Meyer lemon for lemonade or sorbets. “As a hybrid of a lemon and a mandarin, Meyers maintain many of the health-giving qualities of their citrus parents, blending the best of both worlds. Of course, they are an excellent source of vitamin C, which keeps our immunity in check,” Organic Authority says. A few bites of a Meyer lemon will help your body combat cancer and diseases, as well as slow the aging process.

5. Key limes

This isn’t just a plain old lime: It’s smaller, juicier, and more acidic than other lime varieties. This is often a bartender’s top choice to accompany drinks, and it also is great to incorporate into desserts — who doesn’t enjoy a good key lime pie? 

6. Uniq fruits

While this pear-shaped fruit may look a little strange, it’s seedless and extremely juicy. Women’s Health says it tastes like a tangerine bathed in honey. The fruit is a Jamaican snack, according to the publication. 

7. Tangelos

A cross between a tangerine and a grapefruit, the tangelo has tons of sweetly tart juice. How can you tell if it’s a tangelo? Check for a bump on the end — tangelos all have a distinctive one. The juice makes for a great alternative to your standard orange juice. Tangelos are rich in dietary fiber and provide a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals. 

8. Yuzus

There are a ton of great things that can be made with yuzu. For instance, it has a great-tasting juice, comparable to a lemon mixed with mandarin oranges, which can add a great flavor to pancake batter or even pesto. Ready for a little more of a challenge? Try using it as an ingredient in ponzu sauce. Just make sure to include it in your diet — its antioxidants help replenish dead skin cells. Yuzu has the ability to slow down skin aging, making skin look fresh and young. In addition, it’ll help your body fight cancer and heart disease.

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