Vitamin-Rich Foods You Aren't Eating


Better than Supplements

No matter how many pills you pop, you won't get all your nutrient needs from the vitamin aisle (they're called supplements for a reason). That's why you should get acquainted with some of the best foods in the supermarket that provide vitamins and minerals in abundance. Some may surprise you. Some may already be part of your daily diet. But no matter what, you'll be healthier for having these around the kitchen. Your body will thank you later.


Nutrients: The Vitamin B group, Vitamins A, C, E, and K, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iodine, and Bioactive compounds

Why You Need It: You've no doubt chowed down on nori seaweed if you've been to a sushi restaurant (that's usually what they wrap the stuff in). But arame is its often overlooked younger brother: milder in flavor, with many of the same health benefits, which includes lowering blood pressure, preventing cancer, and improve your immune system, notes Christine Palumbo, RD, contributing editor to Environmental Nutrition.

How to Eat It: If you go to the "ethnic" aisle in your grocery store, you should find arame available in dried sheets. They're easy to slice into dishes like soups or stir-fry. You can even grind them into a powder with a food processor and use as a seasoning.

Concord Grape Juice

Nutrients: Polyphenols, Vitamin C

Why You Need It: Besides inducing nostalgia for 5th grade lunches, concord grape juice is chockfull of the immune boosting Vitamin C and the antioxidant polyphenol that helps promote blood flow to vital arteries. That not only means your heart health can improve with every 4 oz serving, but there may be some stirring below the belt as well. Something that may take you back to early adolescence even more.


Nutrients: Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, Fiber

Why You Need It: A syrupy yeast spread found primarily in the UK probably doesn't initially sounds too appealing. But give it a chance. After all, the 100% vegetarian concoction (made from a fungus also used in the manufacturing of beer, by the way), has only 9 calories in a 4 g serving and contains plenty of B vitamins to promote healthy liver and kidney functions. You'll also get about 50% of the USDA recommended daily allowance folic acid and 17% of thiamin, a nutrient that helps maintain nervous system balance.

How to Eat It: Most Brits like spreading the stuff straight up on toast, but you can also sneak it into some stews if you feel adventurous.


Nutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins, Calcium, Fiber

Why You Need It: Those familiar with Korean food have likely come across this traditional dish made from fermented cabbages and chili peppers. Some find it a bit on the sour side, but when paired with brown rice and other vegetables, it makes for a savory, delectable dish packed with health-boosting vitamins and compounds. One recent study from a university in South Korea found that people who ate kimchi on a regular basis reduced their cholesterol by over 21%. Not to mention that it's an excellent low-calorie source of fiber, which helps digestion and protects against colon cancer.

How to Eat It: The main ingredients in kimchi are cabbage, fish sauce, garlic, and Korean chile. You may need to head to the ethnic food aisle in your local grocery store to stock up on the spices.

Red Grapefruit

Nutrients: Vitamin C, Potassium, Folate, Calcium, Fiber, Lycopene, Vitamin B6

Why You Need It: The benefits of citrus fruits are no secret, but sometimes red grapefruit gets overlooked in favor of the more popular crowd in the produce section (oranges, nectarines, peaches). In fact, one Israeli study found that feeding patients the equivalent of one grapefruit a day lowered cholesterol. And the red variety was found to be more effective than white in lowering blood triglycerides, a cholesterol type whose elevated levels is a marker of heart disease. It's a good thing, too, since red grapefruit is sweeter and more palate-friendly than it's sour sister.

How to Eat It: You know that white pulpy stuff you peel away from grapefruit? Leave it on! Palumbo says that many of the nutrients are contained right there, so you'll get the full benefits of all the 170 different vitochemicals that researchers have identified in citrus foods.

Turnip Greens

Nutrients: Vitamins, A, C, E, B6, and K, Potassium, Thiamin, Folate, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Fiber

Why You Need It: Really any dark leafy green can help reduce inflammation and improve overall cardiovascular health, says Palumbo. But the fact that foods like turnip greens have folate should especially bring men to attention. As noted in The Big Book of Sex, folate may lower blood levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that irritates the lining of arteries and encourages plaque to adhere to it (one Harvard University study found that those who consumed the most folate daily were 30% less likely to develop Peripheral Arterial Disease). And as you know, once you get that blood flowing well to all extremities, your equipment works much better.

How to Eat It: You can just remove boil or steam the greens, making an excellent side dish. Other dark leafy vegetables in the same family will work just as well.


Nutrients: Vitamin E, Iron, Copper, Fiber

Why You Need It: While olives (the green or black variety) often get a bad rap for being high in sodium, they're also a good source of antioxidants like Vitamin E, which can help promote heart health and fight inflammation. Bonus benefit: If you're on a vegetarian diet, olives can be a decent source of iron (one serving provides about 24.7% of your daily recommended allowance). Just don't bite into those pits -- not good for the teeth.

How to Eat It: Any way you want, basically -- right out of the can or sprinkled on salads is a good start.


Nutrients: Vitamin A, C, and B6, Omega-3 fats, Folate, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese

Why You Need It: You know that weed that sometimes sprouts from the cracks in your sidewalk? Yeah, you can eat it -- and it's really good for you. We've covered this a little in the past, but purslane has the highest amount omega-3 fats of any edible plants, according to researchers at the University of Texas at San Antonio. And Palumbo praises the vegetable for being one of the few foods that naturally contains melatonin, an antioxidant that helps you sleep and may prevent cancer. "We lose it as we age," she says.

How to Eat It: You can chop it up and put it in a salad as a lettuce alternative (the leaves have a lemony taste).

Monterey Mushrooms

Nutrients: Vitamins, A, C, and B6, Potassium, Fiber

Why You Need It: Mushrooms themselves have a lot of health benefits, specifically through the antioxidant ergothioneine, which helps reduce the risk of cancer. But this brand in particular, which Palumbo recommends, has been exposed to UV light, boosting its Vitamin D content, a hormone we don't often get through food sources. Through one 3-ounce serving of the stuff, you can get all of your recommended daily allowance of the nutrient, which can help you burn fat, maintain muscle mass, and improve your overall mental health.

How to Eat It: Monterey mushrooms are excellent on salads. But you can also try them with heartier dishes, especially during the winter.


Nutrients: Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium

Why You Need It: As mentioned in the Big Book of Sex, Oysters hold more zinc than most any other food. And that's important. Because, as dietician Dave Grotto (author of ) says, "Guys are motivated by mental, physical, and sexual performance -- and zinc crosses all those barriers." It's a mineral crucial to healthy sperm production, while also helping with immune system functions, digestion, stress levels, energy, and even skin health.

How to Eat It: About six will provide double the recommended daily allowance of 15 mg of zinc. To spice things up a bit, try a few dashes of hot sauce on your raw oysters. 

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