Peanut Butter Health Benefits For Your Nutrition


As you are probably aware peanut butter produced in the United States is exported to countries all over the world.

It is popular in the United States where it is used mainly as a sandwich spread, and a key ingredient in the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

China also is a leading exporter of peanut butter. Because of the fat content, you may feel that peanut butter is not a viable option but the truth is that the fat in many brands are actually monounsaturated.

so it is gentler on the body and may in fact help with keeping bad cholesterol away.

While it is still a good idea to enjoy peanut butter in moderation, there is no real reason to avoid it due to the amount of fat in the product.

One of the health benefits of peanut butter is the amount of fiber found in each serving. The fiber is helpful in maintaining a healthy colon and also contributes to helping the body regulate blood glucose levels as well as fight bad cholesterol.

It is also important to note that the fiber can also help minimize the chances of developing colorectal cancer.

One of the main benefits of peanut butter is the relatively high amount of protein found in each serving. Protein is necessary to build muscle and keep the body strong for young and old alike.

Monounsaturated Fats Diet and Cholesterol

Many reasons some avoid peanut butter is due to it being high in calories with a fat content of many calories and several grams of fat per two tablespoon serving.

You will be happy to know that the majority of the fat in peanut butter is monounsaturated a type of fat that lowers the risk of heart disease.

Other important nutrients found is that any type of peanut butter will contain niacin, vitamin E, calcium, copper, potassium, iron, and magnesium.

It is important to note that organic brands will offer more nutrition for you when selecting a wholesome product.

One of the benefits of peanut butter that many people are unaware of is the presence of resveratrol; this agent has anti-microbial properties that help the body to effectively deal with bacteria and various types of fungi.

Major consumer brand peanut butter contains hydrogenated vegetable oil to stabilize it and prevent oil separation,

along with salt to prevent spoilage, as well as dextrose and other sweeteners to give it that delicious taste.

When grocery shopping you may have noticed peanut butter marketed as "natural" or "organic" this is due to the brand only containing peanuts and salt.

Peanut butter may protect against a high risk of cardiovascular disease due to high levels of monounsaturated fats and resveratrol; butter prepared with the skin of the peanuts which has a greater level of resveratrol and other health-aiding agents.

Peanut butter and peanuts provide protein, vitamins B3 and E, magnesium, folate, dietary fiber, arginine,and high levels of the antioxidant p-coumaric acid.

On the down side, peanut butter has a high omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio which is a negative since most people get too many inflammation producing omega-6’s in their diet. In terms of vitamins and minerals.

While being a good source of vitamin E, niacin, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium as well as a great source of protein at eight grams per two tablespoon serving.

Not only is making peanut butter snacks comfort food with health benefits it is also helping with your physical body as well.

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