7 Foods That Fight Odors


Banish bad breath, offensive body odor and stinky feet the natural way

Face it: Some days we all smell a little less than fresh. Of course, it’s a completely normal thing—after all, it's hard to pass up a garlic-laden bowl of pasta, and there's nothing wrong with wearing heels that have lost their new-shoe smell. But you may be surprised to learn that a quick fix for the not-so sweet smells in your life can be found in the kitchen. Read on to find out how everyday food items—from cornstarch to milk—can help you achieve full-body freshness

For Bad Breath:

Fresh Parsley, Peppermint and Spearmint

Some fresh herbs, such as parsley, peppermint and spearmint, are nature’s version of a dinner mint: The strong oils contained within them help to overpower nose-offending scents. “These herbs can act like a mouthwash to temporarily mask odors. Plus, they leave behind a pleasant aroma,” says Sally Cram, DDS, a Washington, DC-based periodontist and spokesperson for the American Dental Association. So go ahead and munch on that parsley garnish after dinner—even though the results will only last for a few minutes, it's better than nothing at all. However, keep in mind that chronic bad breath (not linked to the consumption of fragrant foods, like garlic and onions) may be a sign of periodontal disease. If your bad breath just won't go away, Dr. Cram recommends seeing a dentist, who can help get to the root of the problem as well as devise an oral health plan that's right for you.


Is your post-dinner garlic breath pungent enough to ward off a family of vampires? Next time, drink a glass of milk with your meal, suggests a 2010 study from Ohio State University. “We found that drinking beverages with high water and some fat content, like milk, may help reduce garlic breath and mask the garlic odor during eating,” says researcher Sheryl Barringer, PhD. Both fat-free and whole milk reduced the sulphur compounds in garlic that are the cause of its strong smell, but whole milk got the best results, perhaps because fat is more effective at neutralizing odors.

For Offensive Body Odor:

Citrus Fruits

More than just a refreshing snack, eating fresh citrus, such as lemons and oranges, can also help limit musky smells that may be lingering on your skin, according to David Colbert, MD, a dermatologist and internist in New York City and author of The High School Reunion Diet. “The acids in citrus fruits help flush water through your body. And because citrus also contains fiber, they move through your system slowly and flush out toxins that contribute to body odors,” he explains. So, if your eau de body is starting to get a little embarrassing, try eating grapefruit at breakfast or digging into a juicy, sweet orange for dessert.

White Fish

Shocked to learn that the secret to curing your BO might actually be smelly seafood? The truth is that the state of your gastrointestinal tract is closely linked to your skin, Dr. Colbert says. Studies, including one conducted by scientists in Prague and published in the journal Chemical Senses, show that red meat is associated with bad body odor, which is why Dr. Colbert suggests eating white fish instead. “As the body breaks down the proteins in meat, your skin produces unpleasant odors. That doesn’t happen when you metabolize fish,” he says. Smell fresh (but not fishy) by adding white fish, such as tilapia, halibut and cod, to your diet and limiting your consumption of red meat.

For Stinky Feet:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Thought to be an all-natural cure for just about everything (from digestive issues to weight loss), apple cider vinegar's ability to tame smelly feet is one home remedy that's doctor-approved. “Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria and dries excess sweat, the two main causes of foot odor,” says New York City-based podiatrist Johanna Youner, DPM. “It’s a really good, effective and cheap cure,” she adds. This pantry staple's bacteria-killing power comes from its abundant levels of acetic acid and phenolics, a chemical compound with high acidity content. To remove foul odors from your feet, add a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar to a quart of lukewarm water and soak feet for 20 minutes; repeat twice a week, if necessary.


Ever slipped off your shoes at the end of the day and noticed they smell—ahem—ripe? That’s because closed-toe shoes tend to corral odors. “It’s normal and natural for feet to perspire, but tight, unbreathable shoes trap sweat that eventually causes them to stink,” Dr. Youner says. Cornstarch is a good fix for the problem because the powder absorbs excess moisture and neutralizes odor; plus, its soft granules are more comfortable on feet than traditional baking soda. Beat the stink by sprinkling cornstarch into your shoes as soon as you get home.


Antioxidant-rich tea is the wonder drink du jour and, as it turns out, it’s also good at keeping stinky feet in check. The tannic acids found in both green and black teas will help keep your feet dry, thus preventing the root of your foot odor problem: perspiration. According to Dr. Youner, when the naturally-occurring bacteria on your skin interact with your feet's perspiration, the result is the equivalent of an odorous perfect storm in your shoe. But, if you can limit the moisture, you can impede stink. To help keep feet sweat-free, make a pot of tea and pour it into a tub big enough to fit both tootsies. Once it has cooled, soak feet for 10 minutes. Since the tannins in tea are less drying than the acids in vinegar, you can try this remedy once a day. However, Dr. Youner adds, if your skin starts to feel parched, then ease off to every other day. Note: Tea leaves may stain skin, but a quick wash with soap and water will remove discoloration.

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