Rise and shine little bunny rabbit. It’s the start of another perfect day. The air is crisp, the birds are chirping, and tiny dew droplets on blades of grass shimmer and shine as the sun begins to warm the earth. Do you notice? If not, maybe a change in your morning routine would help.
Many of us begin our days in an all-too-familiar fashion. Maybe a bowl of Wheaties with the paper, or a jelly doughnut followed by a cigarette. Whatever it is, good or bad, it's your morning routine, and it may have a larger effect on your day-to day happiness and health than you had previously thought.
Starting your day off right is important. The following morning activities will ensure that today is a beautiful day, tomorrow is even better, and you can appreciate the birds chirping.
1. Coffee? Eat an apple instead
Coffee is the first thought that pops into your head as you rub the sleep away each morning. You are probably better off reaching for the fruit bowl instead of the coffee pot - says some not-so recent studies. Strangely enough, a single apple can provide as much energy as a cup of coffee.
However unlike coffee, an apple derives its energy not from artificial caffeine, but from natural sugars, which boost blood sugar levels (giving you more energy and stimulating alertness).
The uplifting effects of an apple are most noticeable first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Other benefits of opting for apples: fresher breath, whiter teeth and no “crash” later. Remember, while coffee in moderation is by no means bad for your health, you can never have too many apples.
2. Stretch it out
A daily stretch routine can be beneficial in many ways. Even touching your toes can add years to your life. It's a great way to relieve stress, relax the mind, and give you more energy. It also provides for better flexibility and coordination, improved circulation, and decreases the risk of injury.
Good morning stretch routine
Back Stretch
1. Lie down with your back on the floor.
2. Put your arms flat on the ground next to your legs and raise your legs towards your head.
3.Touch the floor past your head if you are able to.
4. Hold your legs there for 15 seconds.
5. Repeat as many times as needed.
3.Be thankful and count your blessings
Your first conscious breath of the day should be accompanied with a smile, for you're alive. If not, start counting your blessings. Literally. Writing down, or even thinking about things you are grateful for can have many psychological and even physical benefits.
A study from Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough in 2003 took two groups of participants, one group was asked to think about things they were grateful for, the other was not. Those with thoughts of gratitude reported "greater levels of optimism, positive mood, and feelings of belongingness over the period of the study." Furthermore, the same participants were even physically healthier, reporting fewer symptoms of illness and exercising more.
4.Feel the sun, breathe the air
What is warm, touches everyone, and supports all life on planet Earth? You guessed it - the sun. And feeling it's rays or even fresh air on your skin can be a delightful sensation, especially just after waking up. "Skin may be more receptive to touch in the morning as nerves first wake up."
A recent study showed how more sunshine early in a person’s life meant less risk of multiple sclerosis later in life. And, as an excellent source of Vitamin D, sunlight is crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system and strengthening bones. To reap all the benefits sunlight has to offer, step outside and enjoy a refreshing life shower.
Too much cloud cover?
For those of you living closer to the poles and further away from the sun, do not fret. There is still hope. To ensure you're getting sufficient amounts of Vitamin D that you would otherwise get naturally from the sun, try snacking on the following foods:
Cod Liver Oil
Vitamin D milk
5. Eat a healthy breakfast
Since young children we were told to eat our fruits and veggies. But as adults, did you know eating a healthy and well-balanced breakfast is just as, if not more important? Studies have shown students who eat breakfast tend to do better in school, and the same applies to adults at work. Breakfast is the fuel for your day, and filling up your tank with quality fuel is a key ingredient to a good today and healthy tomorrow.
Just 30 minutes of exercise a day helps to strengthen bones, build muscle, improve skin, increase relaxation and optimism, decrease risk of disease and illness and much much more. In truth, exercise is good at any time of day, but what better way to start your day than with 30 minutes of exercise? It will infuse more energy and a bigger smile into your day.
7. Listen to music
Musicians compose from the heart, and their music speaks to our soul. It speaks when we can't find the words, and it fills our brains when it’s void of thought. It’s wonderful, and by adding it to your morning routine, you will feel it’s wonderful effects. Research has shown how music can have many positive effects on us by stimulating brain cells and increasing optimism. Try listening to some upbeat music during your morning shower or while making breakfast.
8. Sleep in…but not too much
Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? When talking about sleeping in – yes. Obviously, the amount of sleep needed to be healthy depends on various factors like age, level of activity, health, and lifestyle. But researchers have found that too much sleep, or over sleeping, is linked to a multitude of medical problems.Diabetes, obesity, headaches, back pain, depression, and heart attacks as some of the negative side effects of continually sleeping more than the average seven to nine hours. Whether you're unemployed or just plain slothful, you will benefit from getting out of bed before your sheets swallow you whole.
9. Choose happiness
Happiness is a choice we make each morning as soon as we lift our little eyelids. Serious mental disorders aside, we can all choose happiness, no matter what circumstances we are faced with.
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