There’s no blood test for Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, but there are clear signs and symptoms that may reveal mental impairment. Little slip-ups are normal, but these could be cause for concern:
1. Needing the same information repeated over and over, such as asking multiple times where you’re going during a short car ride.
2. Trouble making plans or solving problems, such as not wanting to host a holiday meal you’ve always planned because you have a hard time coordinating all the necessary tasks and errands.
3. Difficulty doing familiar things like following a favorite recipe, driving to a well-known location or remembering the rules to a game you’ve played for years.
4. Losing track of time or place—for example, not remembering the season or where you are.
5. Problems understanding visual images or spatial relationships—say, catching your reflection in the mirror and thinking someone else is in the room or getting into multiple fender benders because you can’t judge depth and distance. “People with Alzheimer’s often complain that something is wrong with their vision,” says Beth Kallmyer, senior director of constituent services at the Alzheimer’s Association.
6. Struggles with conversation, such as not following what people are saying, or stopping in the middle of talking and not knowing how to continue. “It’s different from losing your train of thought,” says Kallmyer. “Most people can get back on track when people give them a cue. People with Alzheimer’s completely lose the entire conversation.”
7. Losing things or putting items in odd places (like finding your cell phone in the refrigerator).
8. Lapses in judgment, such as giving large amounts of money to telemarketers.
9. Memory loss that disrupts your daily life: needing to ask family members to help with things you used to handle on your own (like doing laundry or remembering to eat meals).
10. Withdrawing from hobbies or social activities.
11. Personality changes such as increased fearfulness or being suspicious of others.
If you (or a loved one) have any of these symptoms, see a doctor. There’s no blood test for Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, but your doctor may ask you questions designed to reveal mental impairment; check the health of your nervous system by testing functions like reflexes, balance, eye movement and speech; and/or order a brain scan such as an MRI. She may also want to screen you for thyroid problems and depression, since those conditions have been linked to memory loss.
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