Manna may have been the only fast food on the way to the 10 Commandments, but today there are 245 big US chain restaurants and tens of thousands of fast food options trying to lure you in. But is the food they serve healthy? A new study by Rand Corporation reviewed 30,923 menu entrees and found 96 percent of them exceed daily limit recommendations for calories, sodium, fat and saturated fat both for adults and children. This isn’t even addressing the issues related to trans fats and too much sugar.
Every day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant. McDonald’s alone feeds nearly 50 million people a day, more than the population of Spain. According to a recent survey by the Technomic food research firm, although 47 percent of consumers want more healthy restaurant options, only 23 percent actually order healthy food when dining out. The reason – down deep they already know it isn’t healthy.
Here are fast food commandments to help you with weight control:
1. Drink Water
Sodas, shakes, floats and specialty drinks are loaded with calories. And the huge glasses don’t help. The average “kid drink” has 430 calories and large sodas can have up to 500.
2. Choose Lean Meats, Not Processed or Fatty Treats
Eat foods that can be identified, like sliced turkey, beef or ham and skip the sausage or bacon because they contain fillers, nitrates, and salt.
3. Ask for Whole Wheat or Multigrain Bread
If you select a sandwich, sub or pizza, ask for whole wheat or multigrain bread, buns or crust. It has a lower glycemic index.
4. Skip the “Extras” and the Appetizers
Avoid the extra sauce, extra patty or the slice of cheese to subtract calories. Even asking for no butter on the bun will save you 100 calories. The average fast food appetizer has 813 calories compared with 674 average calories per serving for an entrée.
5. Thick Crust Pizza Pie Goes To Your Thighs
The thicker the crust, the higher the calorie count. And processed meats like pepperoni and fatty toppings add calories.