9 Benefits of Barley Water


Barley water is a wonderful natural beverage, which helps to prevent urinary tract infections for those who opt to enjoy it on a daily basis. But there are many other benefits to this easy-to-make tonic, which are outlined below (along with 2 simple recipes).

Here are 10 reasons to incorporate barley water into your daily routine (note: barley is not gluten free).

UTI’s: This has been used as a natural remedy for urinary tract infections in both adults and children. It also prevents strong urine odor.

Weight loss and cholesterol maintenance: There has been research on barley water, which has shown it to be very beneficial in lowering cholesterol. It may also help keep you satiated for longer periods of time, making it a perfect tonic to include in many weight loss plans.

Kidney stones: Regular consumption of lemon barley water has been recommended while flushing kidney stones. Barley is rich in magnesium, which may help to prevent kidney stones from occurring in the first place, as well as aids in flushing out toxins. The insoluble fiber in barely water can also act against gallstone formation.

Skin health: Drinking barley water often and applying it topically on acne affected areas helps to reduce inflammation, providing a soothing effect. When applying to the skin, you’ll want a thicker formula, so opt for less water when making the mixture (you want it to be thicker like an oatmeal).

Cardiovascular health: Fiber is extremely beneficial for your cardiovascular system. It may help to prevent atherosclerosis, which is a build-up of plaque on the arteries.

Detoxing: Barley water acts as a wonderful natural body cleanser, flushing toxins from the body and keeping you hydrated. Drinking lemon barley water also helps to improve immunity!

Cooling down body temperature: This tonic helps to cool the body and in some countries, people choose to consume barley rice during the warmer summer months for its natural cooling properties.

Digestion: Consume a glass of hot barley water everyday for better digestion and to aid in fighting constipation or feelings of nausea.

Hydration: This is a great, healthy substitute to soda, coffee and other caffeine-laden beverages, which ultimately dehydrate the body.

Diabetes: Magnesium has been shown to react with enzymes in the body involved in regulating insulin levels and may reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Extra benefits include:

Antioxidants: Great for cancer prevention and the promotion of a healthy heart.

Vitamins: Rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin E, makes barley water a great option! 

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