Have you wondered why some people always seem to land on their feet while others are constantly in the midst of turmoil? Or why some friends have frequent chance encounters with interesting and influential people, yet others are always complaining about the number of doors being slammed in their faces?
While luck may very well be the answer, here’s the good news: We all have it in us to be lucky. Experts agree that luck is like a magnet, which means we can attract prosperity, fateful meetings, and huge windfalls by simply changing our mindset. Find out how to turn the wheel of fortune in your favor by practicing these nine winning strategies:
Take Responsibility
The starting point in this process is shifting your mentality from victim to victor, says Marci Shimoff, an internationally recognized transformation leader and author of The New York Times best-selling book “Happy for No Reason.”
“The victims are the ones who think, ‘Life is going to happen to me and I’m either going to be lucky or unlucky,’ and that is just not true,” she says. “But the victors wake up each day and say, ‘I am going to make my life and create what I want.’”
State Your Intention
Shimoff has a “power formula” to manifest positivity in your life. Step one: Be clear on exactly where you’d like to see the luck revealed. “If you want luck in your career, what would that look like to you?” asks Shimoff. “Remember that things always happen twice — they happen first in the mind, and then they happen in reality. Intention is your vision.”
Show Your Attention
The second step involves putting your energy — meaning your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions — behind your intention. “The feelings are the real juice behind it all,” states Shimoff. “If you can’t feel the way you would feel as if you’ve had a lucky life, then you won’t be able to manifest it.”
Live with No Tension
Shimoff finds this step to be the most challenging for people living in today’s society because it’s about “arriving” at a place of relaxation. “The goal is to not be attached to the outcome,” she explains. “When we’re happy for no reason, when we have an inner sense of peace and well-being, it opens the spaciousness for the luck to come pouring in.”