6 Healthy Snacks for Working on Your Feet


It can be frustrating trying to maintain a healthy diet when you're working on your feet all day. You may go without eating for so long that you end up binging on the first thing in sight, whether it's healthy or not. Since you can't actually sit down with you meal, you may feel like you aren't getting the nutrients you need.

So here are some nutrient packed snack options that don't need full attention. You can either carry them around with you or leave them nearby where you can grab a bite as you pass.


Nuts are extremely portable. You can throw them in a sandwich bag or small container. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts all have fiber and healthy fats to keep you satisfied.

Snack Bars

There are plenty of fiber or protein bars to choose from that come pre-wrapped and ready to eat. Some of my favorites are Gnu fiber bars and Simply protein bars. One thing to watch out for is the sugar content. Some bars are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, which will only make you tired on your feet! Look for natural sweeteners like agave or honey.

Protein PowderA lot of brands offer sample size packets of their powder, but you can also put a scoop in a bag or container and bring a shaker bottle. All you need is water and you're good to go! It's super easy to sip up your snack, right?

Pre-Cut VeggiesCarrots, peppers, celery, or other vegetables are quick and easy snacks that provide a lot of necessary vitamins.


For a fruit option, berries are small and work well for grabbing a handful on the go. Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries have a ton of antioxidants.

Dried Fruit

Sometimes real fruit can be too messy - like a juicy peach. Dried fruit is a great alternative. Plus, it lasts longer!


Look for whole grain oats and natural sweeteners.

Not only should focus on healthy snacks while you're working on your feet, you should also remember to stay hydrated! Seltzer water and club soda are great options, as they will keep your stomach feeling full. Having a full water bottle at all times will help you to remember to continuously drink water.

Because you may not be able to sit down, what you eat prior to and after work is also important. Before you leave for work, eat a filling meal that is balanced with protein, fiber, healthy fats, vegetables, and whole grains. This should keep you satisfied for hours. Also, have a healthy meal ready to eat when you're finished with work. Whether you pack it and take it with you, or leave it in the refrigerator for when you arrive home, make it a point to prepare it beforehand. This will ensure that you don't scarf down the first thing you see!

Of course, eating healthy seems to be a lot easier with a desk job, but there are ways to stay fueled with healthy choices while working on your feet.

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