The Negative Effects of Soda


An average American drinks 45 gallons of soda every year. A small kid's pool can easily be filled with 45 gallons of soda. It is the American culture to drink soda once in a while, but that doesn't mean this sugar drink is good for our health. According to research, drinking soda contributes to the America's obesity problem. In addition, here are four good reasons why you should quit soda from now on:

1) Soda not only fattens your body, it fattens your organs too! - Researchers from Denmark conducted a study and found out that drinking non-diet soda increases untraceable fats in your body. Participants in the study were asked either to drink soda, milk, diet cola or water daily for six months. After six months, results showed that individuals who drank soda had experienced dramatic increase in harmful hidden fats (liver and skeletal fat). It gets worse - their cholesterol level also increased by 11% compared to the other groups. According to the research, drinking diet soda is also not good for your health. All varieties of soda contain sweeteners and food dyes. These ingredients are linked to hyperactivity and brain cell damage. Also, individuals who regularly drink soda have a greater risk if developing diabetes.

2) One of the elements found in soda is flame retardant - Flame retardants are made from chemicals; they are used in thermosets, thermoplastics, textiles, coating and some of the soda drinks you love to drink. Famous soda brands like Mountain Dew need to use a toxic flame retardant that is made from brominated vegetable oil. The flame retardant stops the artificial flavoring from separating from the rest of the liquid. Listed as "BVO", this ingredient can cause bromide poisoning that leads to memory loss, nerve disorders and skin lesions.

3) Drinking too much soda will turn you into a lab rat - High-fructose corn syrup is used to sweeten many American soda brands. This harmful man-made ingredient is derived from genetically engineered corns. Since it has been less than a decade since genetic engineering was discovered, we don't know what long-term effects it will have on human beings. New research supports that genetic engineering causes increased aging, digestive tract damage and infertility.

4)Drinking soda causes bone loss and dental decay - A meta-analysis of around 90 studies show that because individuals are drinking more soda, they have stopped drinking milk. The decrease of milk consumption is not a good sign. In the 50s, for every one cup of sugary drink, a child drank 3 cups of milk. Today it is just the opposite. Consequently, in US, 44 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis.

Drinking too much soda is also not good for the teeth. The high concentration of glucose, fructose, sucrose and other uncomplicated sugar cause dental decay.

In a nutshell, drinking soda is hazardous for your health! The scary thing is that soda is not the only drink that you need to be cautious of. There are many other bottled beverages that contain high concentrations of sugar and calories which are not good for you. Stop before you regret it!

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