Importance of iodine in our daily diet


Iodine - A mineral that’s imperative for thyroid functions. The thyroid glands perform many functions in our body and iodine is surely needed for apt thyroid functions.

An utterance on thyroid glands

The thyroid hormones regulate body’s metabolic rate and promote growth and development of the body including brain. What if there isn’t enough thyroid hormone circulating in the blood? The brain sends a chemical message to the thyroid gland, which then releases a measured dose of these hormones, but when there’s a deficiency of iodine, the brain keeps sending chemical messages in vain. And this somehow, increases the risk of thyroid cancer if not treated in time.

Iodine deficiency can be serious

Low iodine levels in the blood means lower thyroid functions and its Long term deficiency leads to hypothyroidism.
Symptoms: Dry skin, weight gain, hair loss, fatigue and slowed reflexes. These patients can benefit from iodine supplementation under the advice of your health care practitioner.

Iodine deficiency in babies and children:

In the developing fetus, babies or children, iodine deficiency can be serious. This leads to stunted growth, lower intelligence levels and retardation. Pregnant women require high levels of iodine as lack of this nutrient can retard normal development in the baby.
Precaution: one should consult doctor about their individual needs. Women with pre-existing thyroid conditions should not take iodine supplements without any medical advice.

How to get enough iodine in diet

The best way to get enough iodine is through a proper diet, to make sure one getting enough iodine in diet, aim to include these foods to get good amounts of iodine.
Seafood: dietitians recommend 2-3 meals of seafood per week to get the beneficial fish oils. Eating fish twice per week also provide enough iodine.
Seaweed and other dairy products: seaweed like kelp and other dairy products, eggs provide additional sources of iodine.
Vegetables: some vegetables that are grown in iodine rich soils contain significant amounts.
Supplements: They may be necessary if dietary intake is in adequate. Many multivitamins supply 100-150ug of iodine
Salt: As sea salt is not a good source of iodine, so it’s recommended to use iodized salt for daily iodine fortification.

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