Food That Contains Potassium Iodine


The terrible devastation that hit Japan, the earthquake that triggered a tsunami and caused major destruction, including the breakdown of nuclear reactors. The threat of radiation exposure has many people greatly concerned and looking for a way to protect themselves and their family from possible contamination. Two words on everyone’s mind and that everyone is talking about the past several days in regards to radiation protection is potassium iodine.

What is Potassium Iodine?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], potassium iodide, also called KI, is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine. Stable iodine is an important chemical needed by the body to make thyroid hormones. Most of the stable iodine in our bodies comes from the food we eat.

Encouraging Information

The fear of radiation entering our own backyard has generated such a demand for potassium iodine stores have sold out everywhere. Out of stock! Good thing those pills aren’t the only option. There are quite a number of food options and natural supplements to help combat potential radiation threat, such as sea vegetables, like kelp.Nagasaki, a group of surviving macrobiotic doctors and their patients avoided radiation sickness by eating brown rice, miso soup, seaweed Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt and were told to avoid sugar and white flour products. These patients did not get leukemia, though the hospital was only one mile from the bombsite! 

Foods That Contain Potassium Iodine

Aloe vera gel [Aloe vera] has been found to help heal radiation burns more quickly by its content of biogenic stimulators that encourage skin repair.

Burdock root [Arctium lappa] helps to neutralize and remove toxins from the body. During the Industrial Revolution, burdock was recommended as medicine to help people cope with the increased pollution.

Dandelion root [Taraxacum officinale] improves the function of our body’s organs elimination process. Consider how this plant has done a good job for itself adapting to environmental pollutants..

Eleuthero herb [Eleutherococcus senticosus] can help alleviate fatigue, ameliorate symptoms from chemical and radiation exposure and lessen the effects of stress.

Ginseng root [Panax ginseng] helps one to decrease the side effects of radiation and recover more quickly its exposure.

Green and black tea leaves [Camellia sinensis] are antioxidant, immune stimulant, and contain radioprotective agents.

Milk thistle seed [Silybum marianum] helps protect the body from chemical exposure, environmental illness and liver damage.

Nettles herb [Urtica dioica] cleanses and strengthens the kidneys as it builds the blood.

Peppermint leaf [Mentha piperita] can reduce nausea from radiation exposure.

Red clover blossom [Trifolium pratense] improves health in general, helping all the organs of elimination function more optimally.

Reishi mushroom [Ganoderma lucidum] have been found to bolster the immune system after radiation exposure.

Yellow dock [Rumex crispus] improves the function of the kidneys, liver, lymphatic system, intestines and skin thus aiding the body’s natural cleansing process.

Food sources of potassium

Seaweed: Kelp, Dulse, Irishmoss
Legumes/beans: Soybean, Lima, White, Pinto, Chickpea, Lentil, Peanuts, Mung
Green leafy vegetables: Kale, Dandelion, Collard, Swiss Chard, Watercress, Spinach, Chicory, Cress, Mustard
Fresh and dried fruit
Nuts: Brazil, Hazelnuts, Almonds, Pistachio, Pecan, Cashew, Walnut
Seeds: Sunflower, Pumpkin
Onion, Shallot
Beetroot & beet greens
Hot Red Pepper
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage

Food sources of iodine

Kelp, Dulse, Swiss chard, Turnip greens, watermelon, spinach, asparagus, kale, blueberry….

… and the list goes on. In short, eating a natural whole food diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit and avoiding refined foods is the best way to build your antioxidant reserves. It’s one of the best things we can do toward preventative measures and protection against disease.

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