7 Flower Remedies for Depression


Everyone feels down sometimes. Perhaps you’re overwhelmed, exhausted from chronic illness, or dealing with life circumstances that feel hopeless. Of course, you should always consult a doctor if you experience depression, particularly if you have suicidal thoughts or tendencies, or can’t cope with life. But, if you just need a little support from a natural remedy to help you through one of the inevitable rough patches in life, Bach flower remedies can help.

Edward Bach was a medical doctor and one of the earliest homeopaths at the beginning of the twentieth century. Disillusioned by modern medicine, he believed that every physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual symptom offered clues as to what we need to restore balance. Over time, he discovered flower remedies.

Following are some of Bach’s flower remedies for depression. Select the remedy or remedies that best match how you are feeling. You can take one or more remedies. Simply add four drops of the remedy to a glass of water and sip throughout the day. Alternatively, take two drops under the tongue four times a day or as necessary.

When you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed because you are overworked or have too many responsibilities, Elm is the remedy of choice.

When you feel pessimistic, discouraged, or have lost faith. It is used for depression when a person knows the reason for his or her sadness.

When you feel hopeless, that there is nothing that can be done for you, or resigned to your less-than-ideal fate, gorse may be helpful.

Mustard is used for sadness or depression that has no apparent cause. It feels like a dark cloud has blocked out happiness and joy.

Sweet Chestnut
Selected for feelings of hopelessness, Sweet Chestnut reflects a long, courageous battle that feels lost. It is particularly suited when it feels like an inner transformation is occurring and a “dying off” of a person’s old self is taking place.

Willow is best suited for negativity and a tendency to blame others for the problems in life. Alternatively, if your sadness is linked to a grudge that you’re holding onto but would like to let go of, Willow is a good choice.

Rescue Remedy
When you’re not sure which remedy to choose, Rescue remedy is a good choice. It is a combination of five remedies and is used to help manage stress, trauma, and, of course, sadness.

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